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Hinckley RFC & COVID Rugby Participation

Hinckley RFC & COVID Rugby Participation

John Tilley28 Sep 2020 - 17:00
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The state of play...

Good evening everyone,

It comes as no surprise that the season’s fixtures have been delayed until January. COVID is indeed having a deep and long term impact on our society and obviously therefore our rugby club. We had hoped the RFU would have been more proactive earlier than they have been to date however now we know the landscape we are playing in.

What does this all mean to the membership of HRFC?

Behind the scenes the committee and subcommittees have been proactively putting plans together for such an outcome. As you can imagine this has been quite painstaking whilst we have waited for a concrete view from the RFU.

However, I can promise we have not been sitting back waiting for the inevitable. The plans will be finalised and announced this week and hopefully start the weekend after. They will take into account the following:

  • Opposition teams do not want to play us.
  • We still need to recruit at different age groups to strengthen our teams
  • We all still need structure and goals to achieve
  • We need to improve the engagement within the club from top to bottom
  • We still need to have fun
  • We still need to improve
  • We still need to stay within the framework set up by the RFU
  • We still need to be COVID safe
  • We still need to engage with our sponsors top to tail
  • We are a big club that can do things other clubs can't.
  • We have a proactive membership
  • And if you didn’t read it the first time we all still need to have FUN!!!

Please watch this space over the coming week for a significant announcement of how HRFC are going to do their absolute best to deliver rugby provision across the board until the new year.

John Tilley
The Chairman

Further reading